Monday, September 20, 2010

Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Part 2...

First Floor Evidence Updated...

Before I take you to the second floor I want to recap my first floor evidential findings. In reviewing the video footage I was pleased to find I had captured Tabitha's reaction to the piece of tile hitting her in the leg, not only visually, but audibly as well. Although you cannot see the piece being thrown you can clearly see her reaction to being struck, and hear the piece hit the floor. Also, it is apparent there is no one else in the immediate area.

Where the audio recordings are concerned, and as I stated previously, we conducted four EVP sessions on the first floor. The first three sessions didn't pick up anything out of the ordinary, but the fourth one, in the little girl Lilly's room, had three distinct childlike sounding responses directly following a statement, or question. After listening to each of them a multitude of times I was not able to determine what the first one was saying, if anything, and have since decided not to post it. I was able to come up with an idea as to what I think the second one is saying, and although it's very creepy sounding, I'm not convinced it is a an EVP.

The third one is a much different story. To me, and I'm no expert by any means, by comparison to other EVP recordings I've heard elsewhere it is the quintessential example of an EVP. Unfortunately, being unable to post audio files by themselves to Facebook meant the only way I could post these recordings was in a video capture of me playing them on my computer. I think this diminishes the effect of actually hearing the audio by itself. But if you're interested the video of Tabitha, and the two EVP recordings are posted on my profile page.

Our Celebrity Guide.

We entered the second floor by passing through a steel door about halfway down the corridor of Ward One, and ascending up the stairs within. The stairwell was a brightly lit, but narrow winding stone passageway that consisted of three short flights of stairs, each with it's own landing, that changed directions twice before reaching the entrance to the second floor.

Once our group had assembled in the hall of Ward Two our Trans-Allegheny guide, Zach, promptly apologized that he would be our celebrity on this floor. He struck me as someone who outside this environment would be completely socially inept, but thrived on the attention his role as guide garnered him during these events.

Later as we walked the halls we'd see him huddled up with some of the younger people, mostly late teen to early twenties women, telling his war stories about ghostly encounters; they seemed to hang on his every word.

Understanding the Second Floor.

For the second floor, as well as the third and fourth, we not only had both the east and west wings available to us, but the center main building as well. This greatly increased the amount of space available to investigate which allowed the groups to fan out more and isolate themselves a lot easier. Where the east and west wings joined the main building a wide open area was created. On each side of this area was a grand wooden staircase that ascended from the first floor to the fourth. During the time the Asylum was in operation these staircases were the main access to the upper floors. Unfortunately their condition was unacceptable for large groups to use so they were off limits to us for the evening.

The south side of the main building was the front of the building, and on the second floor this was the Doctor's Apartments. This area was also available to us, and had a small balcony at the end of the center hall.

Some of the high points of paranormal activity on this floor was the Double Suicide Room. It was almost directly across from where we entered, and at some point during the history of this institution two teenage boys, for unknown reasons, had hung themselves in there at the same time. Just across the hall from there was the Stabbing Bathroom where another teenage boy had stabbed to death a boy who had made advances toward him. And Ward Five, the furthest west ward, housed the Children's Ward where there was reported to be a lot of playful paranormal activity.

Walking with ghosts?

Armed with this information most of the groups quickly scattered and headed for one of the highlighted rooms. Tabitha and I decided to separate ourselves from the group and start our investigation in the Doctor's Apartments. We did an EVP session in one of the rooms, and briefly made our way through a couple of the apartments without encountering anything. After stepping out onto the balcony to take in the cool night air for a few minutes we decided to head to the furthest east wing and see what we could find there.

As we made our way into Ward B, the first east wing ward, we saw two of the Trans-Allegheny Guides standing by the entrance to the stairwell. They waived as we passed, we waived back, and continued on. When we got to the end of the corridor we were uncertain which door would lead us to Ward E, the eastern most ward. So we doubled back and asked one of the two guides we passed to help us. The younger of the two women gladly walked us down to the end of the hall and to the door. We opened it up and headed into the darkness.

It's important to note that these guides being stationed where they were really didn't seem significant at the time. As it turned out that door was where we would eventually gather as a group to head to the third floor. What is important here is that Tabitha and I, were at this point, the only people who had ventured down to Ward E. And to be truthful we didn't stay very long. We walked about halfway down that dark corridor before realizing there wasn't another group, person, or anyone near us. Feeling a bit uneasy about being in that area alone we headed back out of Ward E, through Ward B passing the guides once again, and crossed back over into the west wings to investigate the Children's Ward.

By this time the Children's Ward had cleared out except for a group doing an EVP session in the hall. Many of the others were just now making their way into the Doctor's Apartments, and east wings we had just left.

Up until this point I had forgotten to employ one of the most common, and easiest of the paranormal tests you could perform; the flashlight test. Simply put, you take a flashlight, preferably one you twist the head to activate, and turn the head until just before it turns on. The theory is by doing this you make it so the spirit doesn't have to expend much energy to make the light come on. Once the flashlight is set you ask the spirits turn it on by touching it. If this happens then you do a series of requests to turn on, and off the light. If you get the desired result, then you can use the flashlight to communicate yes or no answers by turning the flash light on and off based on a response to a question.

Not having thought of this prior to the investigation I had brought with me a flashlight with a push button at the back. While the amount of energy needed to turn the light on to stay on was probably too great, it was very easy to make the light flash by touching the button. To make a long story short we performed the flashlight test several times throughout the second floor in conjunction with EVP recordings, but didn't get any results.

Feeling a little dejected at the apparent lack of activity on the second floor we met up with the rest of the groups as they gathered in the east wing by the Ward B stairwell door. By this point the two guides we had met earlier had moved on to another floor. After speaking with a few of the other groups it appeared overall the second floor hadn't revealed much, if any, activity to anyone ..., or had it?

Second Floor Evidence...

At first blush the second floor was disappointing to say the least. Having had no personal experiences that we knew of, and absolutely no results from the flashlight tests our hopes rested on the review of the video and audio we collected (Which, by the way, showed nothing).

It wasn't until later that evening when by happenstance we met back up with the two Trans-Allegheny guides who had been standing at the Ward B stairwell door (Remember), and discovered ... we had been walking with ghosts...!

On to the Third Floor.

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